-It's okay to be scared even after you thought you were ready. This is a surgery, no matter if you chose to have the TRAM, DIEP, GAP, Expanders over or under muscle, or Lat Dorsi, it's scary and you're allowed to be afraid.
-You're allowed to want to do this so you can feel some normalcy in your life. You're not being vain, you're not "getting a free boob job", you are trying to gain some control of an uncontrollable situation and that's perfectly fine
-There's a lot of self appointed "Google Doctors" out there that are going to try to spread fear and misinformation to you. TRUST your doctors, they're the ones that went to school for years and years to become professionals. If you have legitimate concerns even after talking with a doctor, ask for a second opinion from a medical professional, not a non doctorate quack
-Yes, there will be pain, take your prescriptions on time. I had some always at my bedside so I could take them immediately after napping. Don't be proud, ask for help, you had surgery, you wouldn't expect someone that had knee surgery to do everything an hour after they leave the hospital. Give yourself credit, you are doing something, you are healing - that takes a lot out of you. REST
-There's always the risk it will fail. Know your options. If it does fail, what is your back up. I knew that my expander would likely fail, but knew that if it did I could still have the Lat Dorsi, TRAM, DIEP, or GAP if I wanted. Knowing that made living with the possibility that it could fail more tolerable.
-There's more than one type of implant. There's silicone (which is much safer now), saline, plus there's shaped ones like a tear drop or rounds, there's smooth and rough edged. They all have their plus' and minus', know your options
-Stock your freezer or set up help with making foods for the week after your surgery. There's things like https://www.mealtrain.com that you can use to help organize friends and family with meals. Best of all it's free.
-Ask for help with kids. Yes, you are going to be exhausted from healing. Read and watch shows with your kids but have someone that can take them out for play dates or even just stay in your house so you can rest. Remember: REST
-Horde pillows to help you find a comfortable sleeping position. Make adjustments, find your happy zone
-Know what lies ahead for your journey. If you're doing expanders, there will be an exchange for permanent implants unless they use the type that can be left in.
-Your new breasts may not look 100% breasty. Know that ahead of time. You may look immaculate, there may be scar tissue or healing issues. It's a gamble, like any alteration to your body. Know the risks, talk with your docs. Be blunt, you're permitted to know all the risks.
-If you your implants fail, see if you can keep the implant - they make for great stress toys

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