Cancer is what happens when a mutation occurs in cells. Your cells that are supposed to become wall lining for your stomach mutate into thinking they're supposed to be something else, or are missing some markers so they won't replicate proper and after several cell dividing and duplicating later, you have stomach cancer. The cells in your mammaries starts creating a mutation that is rock hard and multiplies and multiplies. Now in this case instead of being deadly because of it's placement, it is deadly because it has access to other vital areas of your body. If it was a mutation in your hair, there's not a big chance it's going to make you have issues with your vital organs, but the risk of it spreading to skin cells over time would be a possibility. You could have mutated cells now, but they are not spreading and multiplying, they're being kept at bay by your body's defenses. But as you age and your defenses slow, the mutation can become cancerous.
Cancer itself isn't a foe that you can vanquish or lose to, it's your body not doing what it is supposed to in order for you to live in perfect harmony. It's a wrench thrown into the gears of your body's mechanics. The mutations can seem to have a personality of their own, just because of irony in the person's life, but it's not a predator looking for a kill.
I labeled this blog post "Mutant Ninja Cancer" because it is a mutant, it's silent like a ninja, can cause you to die like a ninja, and, well, it's cancer! And like with the deadly assassins from Japan, they can be in any cells of your body and you may not know it until it's too late.
The person that decides to fight their cancer with treatments, surgeries, nutritional aids is a great person indeed! And if they pass away, they fought hard and deserve to be remembered for trying their best. They did not lose, they fought for a longer life and got every second they could after the news of having the disease. Praise them for their bravery, applaud them for their stubbornness, but do not say they lost a single thing. They lost nothing, they simply could not be awarded more time for their efforts, and I'm sure they were grateful for every moment they were given.
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Mutant Ninja Cancer |
Thoughtful post, Julie, and I totally agree about the ninja analogy! You are one of those people who are fighting - you are doing so much to help raise awareness and fight yourself, even with a little one at home and a husband often away (in other words, you're amazing!). :) Thanks for who you are and for sharing your heart and thoughts and experiences with us.